An Organisation highlighting the principle of unity and struggle for the advancement of postal workers in Rajasthan Functioning by Narendra Shrimali (Secreatary), K.S.Meena(President), Suwa Lal Meena (Vice President), Ashok Singh Shekhawat(Vice President), N.L.Maharwal (Vice President), Mohd.Shujat ali (Asstt. Secretary), Kalyan Singh (Asstt. Secretary), Ghanshyam Sharma(Asstt. Secretary)
Monday, August 31, 2015
,drk ftUnkckn
laxBu esa gh 'kfDr gSA
vf[ky Hkkjrh; Mkd deZpkjh ;wfu;u] xzqi lh, iksLVeSu ,oa ,e-Vh-,l-
jktLFkku ifje.My ,oa t;iqj uxj e.My 'kk[kk,sa t;iqjA
dzekad jkt-ifj-@tue@la;qDr ifji=@8@2015 fnukad 31-08-2015
cU/ku ,oa tUek"Veh ds ikou ioZ ij gkfnZd 'kqHkdkeuk,s t;iqj uxj e.My ds
lHkh lkfFk;ksa dks 2 flrEcj 2015 dh jk"Vªh; vke gMrky esa Hkkx ysdj bls
lQy cukus dh la;qDr vihy
jk"Vª O;kih vke gMrky
2 flrEcj 2015 ¼cq/kokj½
dh lHkh dsUnzh; VsªM ;wfu;u laxBuksa ds lkFk lHkh {ks=ks vkSj lsok
izfr"Bkuks ds LorU= QsMjs’kuksa ds la;qDr eap ds csuj rys vk;ksftr
etnwjks dk jk"Vªh; dUos’ku fnYyh esa 26-06-2015 dks lEiUu gqvk] ftlesa
orZeku dsUnzh; ljdkj ds etnwj fojks/kh] tu fojks/kh vkSj dkjiksjsV i{kh
dk;Zokfg;ksa ij xgjh fpUrk O;Dr djrs gq, 2 flrEcj 2015 dks jk"Vª O;kih
vke gMrky dh ?kks"k.kk dh xbZA ;g gMrky fuEu dkj.kks dks ysdj dh tk jgh
gSA bl vof/k esa eksnh ljdkj us ns’k ds esgurd’kks] turk ds vf/kdkjks ij geys
dk ,d u;k dhfrZeku LFkkfir fd;k gSaA bl ljdkj us ns’kh&fons’kh fuos’kdks
dks lUrq"V djus ds fy, turk ds }kjk dMs la?k"kksZ ds ckn tks
vf/kdkj izkIr fd;s Fks] mu ij geys pkyw dj fn, gaSA tcfd Jheso t;rs dk ukjk
nsdj Jfedks ij geyk fd;k tk jgk gSA
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dkuwu] bZih,Q dkuwu] bZ ,l vkbZ dkuwu vkfn esa la’kks/ku djus vkSj NksVs
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dkuwuksa esa cnyko dj fn;k gSa] ftldk vuqlj.k djrs gq, vkns’k tkjh dj fn;s
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flrEcj 2015 dks jk"VªO;kih gMrky dks lQy cukus dk vkOgku fd;k gSA ,u ,Q
ih bZ ds lSdsVªh tujy ,oa xzqi lh ds tujy lSdsVªh us vius 7 vxLr ds t;iqj
nksjs ij th ih vks esa gqbZ vke lHkk esa crk;k fd dsUnz o jkT; ljdkjs
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Hkh foQy jgh gS rFkk chek] Mkd lsok] jsy lsok vkfn dk futhdj.k djus dh iw.kZ
rS;kjh dj pqdh gSA Mkd foHkkx dks 6 Hkkxks esa foHkkftr dj futhdj.k dh vkSj
/kdsyk tk jgk gSA vki vkSj ge Hkyh HkkWfr tkurs gSa fd ch ,l ,u ,y dk
fuxehdj.k] jktLFkku jksMost dk fuxehdj.k] fctyh foHkkx dk fuxehdj.k gksus ij
vkt deZpkfj;ks dks viuk ekfld osru Hkh feyuk eqf’dy gks x;k gSA vr% lkfFk;ksa
vxj geus le; jgrs bldk fojks/k ugh fd;k rks og fnu nwj ugh gksxsa tc ge Hkh
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dk dk;Zdky 4 ekg c<kdj deZpkfj;ks ds lkFk /kks[kk fd;k tk jgk gSA vr% ;g
la;qDr vihy vkidks blfy, dh tk jgh gSa fd vki bl 2 flrEcj 2015 dh
jk"VªO;kih gMrky eas Hkkx ysdj iw.kZ :Ik ls lQy cukosa rFkk foHkkx dks
futhdj.k ls cpk;saA
ge gSa vkids lkFkhA
euksgj yky 'kekZ
ifje.My lfpo
xzqi lh
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ifje.My lfpo
iksLVeSu] ,e Vh ,l
ujsUnz Jhekyh
e.Myh; lfpo
xzqi lh
izgykn 'kekZ
e.Myh; lfpo
iksLVeSu ,.M ,e Vh ,l
Dear Comrades,
We have placed on our website the synopsis of the discussion the leaders of the Central Trade Unions had with the Group of Ministers on the 12 point charter of demands. The Central Trade Unions evaluated the Government’s response to the strike call and have come to the conclusion that in the absence of any tangible result, the strike action must take place. The only issue on which there had been a concrete proposal from the Government was on the question of raising the bonus ceiling. In fact such an assurance has been given by the earlier Government also. Due to the pressure exerted by the employing class, the said assurance could not be translated into reality. To have the assurance to be put into practice, the Bonus Act has to be amended and that is possible only in the next session of the parliament. In other words, if one is to believe the assurance held out by the Government on the question of raising the ceiling for bonus computation, it can only have prospective effect i.e. for the next year 2016. We firmly believe that the corporate would not allow the present government to give effect to this assurance. The acrimonious ceiling on bonus while allowing unlimited extraction of profit for the companies is to be fought out through bitter struggles.
There had been no word from the Government on the question of rolling back its proposals on the labour reforms. The proposed labour reforms will hurt the working class most. The regularization of contract workers, payment of minimum wage, ensuring statutory Pension benefit, the registration or recognition of trade unions within a stipulated time limit to enable the workers to have the right to collective bargaining, the non implementation of the agreements reached at the various tripartite Labour conferences were some of the significant issues on which the working class sought settlement. Introduction of 100% FDI in Railways, 49% in Defence, corporatisation & privatisation of government entities, end for contract/casual temporary employment also met with stoic silence or rejection. The Group of Ministers has successfully eluded the issues. The BMS unions have declared that they would withdraw from the strike action. Their decision being political based is understandable, but is difficult to appreciate. We can only hope against hope that they would realize the reality of the situation in the days to come and become part of the joint struggles very soon.
The 7th CPC has sought further time to submit its report. They are now likely to submit their report by 31st December, 2015. Given the way the commission had acted on this vital issue, we are not certain of it. It is on the specious plea that they would be submitting their report within the stipulated time, they had rejected our demand for interim relief. They ought to have submitted an interim report to the Government before seeking further time on the memorandum submitted by the Staff Side on merger of DA and Interim relief. Even if the report is submitted say by 31st December, 2015, which we feel is unlikely, the Government is bound to take another six months to take a view on the Commission’s recommendations. It is incumbent upon the National JCA to meet immediately and take appropriate decision in the light of the unexpected step taken by the Commission in seeking further time to submit its report. They must go ahead with the decision to go on strike from 23rd November, 2015 demanding the Commission to submit urgently an interim report on merger of DA and Interim relief.
There had been no positive steps taken by the government to revive the functioning of the JCM at National or Departmental levels. There appears to be no intention on their part to cause discussion on our charter of demands. In this background we must revitalize and rejuvenate the functioning of our Organizations at all levels. We have received excellent reports of the strike preparation from all over the country.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
Secretary General
Sunday, August 30, 2015
28t h August 2015
After two rounds of discussion between the Group of Ministers and the central trade unions on the 12-point charter of demands of the trade unions held on 26th and 27th August 2015, the GoM headed by Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley sent an appeal through the press release dated 27-08-2015 (Press Information Bureau) after 10 pm urging upon the trade unions to reconsider the call for countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2015 claiming that the Govt has given concrete assurance to consider most of the demands of the trade unions and that the trade unions agreed to consider the Govt’s proposals. Similar appeal was also made in the meeting of 27th August. Both the claims of the Govt are totally incorrect.
To put the facts straight, the joint platform of central trade unions have been pursuing with successive governments at the centre with their basic demands since 2009 and observed three rounds of countrywide general strike since 2010, the last being for two days in February 2013. In the two rounds of meeting between the CTUOs and the Group of Minister, nothing transpired in concrete terms except vague statements by the ministers on steps to be taken or being taken on some of the issues, that too not in the right direction.
The Govt’s press release mentioned, inter alia, certain issues in support of their unfounded claim.
1. The Govt stated about “appropriate legislation for making formula based minimum wages mandatory and applicable” for all. But despite concrete pointers made by the trade unions that such formula should be what has already been unanimously recommended by the 44th Indian Labour Conference in 2012 and again reiterated by 46th Indian Labour Conference in July 2015 in which the Govt of India is also a party, the Ministers did not give any concrete commitment on the same. In fact said formulae recommended by 44th ILC in 2012 and reiterated by 46th ILC in July 2015, makes minimum wage around Rs 20000/- at 2014 price level and the Trade Unions demanded only Rs 15,000/. The Ministers’ vague formulation does not ensure even half of that. Is such a position worth consideration?
2. On contract workers, the Govt assured that they will be guaranteed minimum wages. What is there to assure except spreading deliberate confusion? Existing laws of the land lawfully ensures payment of minimum wages to contract workers. The Govt’s statement regarding “sector specific minimum wages for the contract workers” also does not make any sense. The trade unions demanded “same wages and other benefits as regular workers in the concerned industry/establishment to be paid to contract workers.” The 43rd Indian Labour Conference held in 2011 recommended the same and 46th ILC unanimously reiterated the same in 2015, in which, again, the present Govt is a party. How could they deny the unanimous recommendation of the highest tripartite forum in the country like Indian Labour Conference?
3. The steps taken by the Govt on Labour Law amendments, are meticulously designed to throw out more than 70% of the workers on industries and other establishments from the purview and coverage of almost all basic labour laws and also to eliminate almost all components/provisions of rights and protections of the workers. This was supplemented by more aggressive steps already taken by a good number of state governments to already amend the labour laws in the similar lines. On this issue, the Govt stated only that they will hold tripartite consultation before taking such steps. The trade unions demanded scrapping of such proposals by the central govt and also not to give assents (through President) to the unilateral amendments made by the state governments. Even in all the tripartite consultations held on some of the proposals of the Govt, the trade unions’ unanimous suggestions has been ignored by the Govt in favour of loud supportive applauds of the employers. Once these retrograde changes in labour laws totally dismantling the rights and protection measures for the workers and also throwing more that 70% of the workers out of the purview of labour laws are enacted, thereby rendering the almost entire working people a right-less entity in their workplace, what would ensure even payment of minimum wage and other social security benefits for them, even if those provisions are improved ? Can any trade union, worth its name accept such a machination designed to impose conditions of virtual slavery on the working people ?
4. Despite repeated insistence by all the trade unions, the Govt refused to concede to the demand for recognizing the Scheme workers, viz., Anganwadi, Mid-day meal, ASHA, Para-teachers and others as “worker” with attendant rights of statutory minimum wages and other benefits in gross violation of the unanimous recommendation of the 45th Indian Labour Conference in 2013, reiterated again by the 46th ILC in 2015. These workers and all the schemes have been put to further crisis threatening their existance owing to drastic cut in budgetary allocations for those schemes. In such a situation, does the assurance of the Govt to “extend social security measures” and “working out ways” for the same carry any meaning?
5. On bonus issue, the Govt has assured to revise the eligibility and calculation ceiling to Rs 21000/- and Rs 7000/- respectively from existing Rs 10000/- and Rs 3500/-. Trade Unions’ demand has been that since there is no ceiling on profit, all ceilings in the Payment of Bonus Act should be removed altogether. Trade unions also demanded substantial upward revision of the formula for gratuity calculation and remove the ceiling on gratuity payment. The Govt has negated the demands.
6. On price rise situation, claim of the Govt that it has gone down does not match with ground reality in respect of commodities for daily necessities of the common people. The demands of the trade unions for putting a ban on speculation/forward trading in essential commodities and services along with universalisation of public distribution system throughout the country have been totally ignored.
7. Trade Unions demanded stoppage of disinvestment in public sector undertakings playing crucial and supportive role in advancement of the national economy. Govt totally ignored the same, rather has been going on aggressively in disinvestment route in all the major PSUs much to the detriment of the interest of the country’s economy. On the demands for stoppage of further FDI in defence, railways and financial sector, the stance of the Govt is continuing to be a total denial. Rather, the Govt has been aggressively pursuing deregulation and privatization in strategic sectors like electricity, Port & Docks, Airports etc in a big way.
There are other issues as well, statement of Govt continued to be totally vague and their claim is unfounded. How can anybody, rather any trade union worth its name can consider above stands taken by the Govt on vital demands of the workers as a positive development and move out from the programme of united strike action ?
Therefore, there is absolutely no reason for reconsidering the decisions of the Central Trade Unions for countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2015. Rather, the situation demands that there should be no vascillation in carrying forward the call for general strike on 2nd September 2015 throughout the country in all sectors of the economy with firm determination.
The Central Trade Unions appeal to all working people irrespective of affiliations to make the call for countrywide general strike against the anti-worker, anti-people policies of Govt a massive success.
Tapan Sen
General Secretary CITU
Monday, August 24, 2015
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
“Workers are not Beggars!” – Babu Tarapada Mukherjee
“Workers are not Beggars, they are the salt of the earth.
“What would be the world, brothers, were the workers to stop work?
“Take it from me, Brothers, that petitions and memorials and supplications will count for nothing so long as you do not organise yourselves in a manner to convince the government that you will no longer stand nonsense.” – Tarapada Mukherjee , Lahore Speech on 9th October 1921.
91 years back on 9th October 1921, Babu Tarapada Mukherjee, one of the pioneers of the P&T Trade Union movement, thus roared in the Lahore All India Conference of Postal & RMS Employees Unions , exhorting the workers to organise and struggle for their demands against the British colonialism and the Postal Administration. As the newly elected President of the Union, he called upon the workers that there is no other way but to organise and struggle. He analysed the capitalist system and the need to fight against it for justice to the workers. One can just wonder that how a postal employee can attack and expose the government and administration in such a way when the British were ruling not only India, but a good part of the world itself.
The Government and the Postal administration were naturally enraged and issued charge sheet to Tarapada proposing dismissal. He was told that if he apologizes for his speech, he may be excused. But Tarapada was of a different mettle. He gave reply justifying each and every sentence he uttered and braved the Postal administration. Of course, he was dismissed from service. But he stood with the workers till the last and served their cause. The Lahore Speech was a great turning point in the history of the P&T TU movement.
The P&T TU movement was built up by such great leaders. Henry Barton, B.N.Ghosh (Dada Ghosh), K.G.Bose, Adinarayana, N.J.Iyer – there is a long list of leaders who made the P&T movement, what it is today.
Let us remember that it is our duty to continue this great tradition to march ahead for the workers cause.
Big Expectations from 7th CPC and Low possibilities projected by Union Finance Minister!
Honourable Finance Minister Shri.Arun Jaitely had spoken about the possible impact of 7th CPC recommendations in Parliament.
The Speech is critically reviewed by Comrade Elangovan of DREU.
I am reproducing the comments of Comrade Elangovan for the consideration of our members:
1. The Medium Term Expenditure Framework statement has not yet been uploaded in Finance Ministry’s website. However I have taken the figures provided by print media including The Hindu. As per their statement the expenditure on salaries will rise by 9.56% in the fiscal 2015-16 as a result of 7th CPC implementation over the normal estimated expenditure in the 2015-16 budget to Rs.100619 crores. This means that the expenditure projected was Rs.91,839cr which if increased by 9.56% becomes Rs.100619 crores.
2. While going through the earlier framework statements I have come to the conclusion that the ‘salaries’ shown is pay with normal increments plus DA projected.
3. As per the estimated strength and provision there of statement laid as part of finance budget, the normal projection as PAY was Rs.60731 cr and so DA is Rs 31,108 as deducted from Rs 91 839 cr. The budget document does not give the DA expenditure separately. It gives the total expenditure on all allowances. I have therefore arrived at the figure based on calculations. However I have sought the expenditure on DA, HRA, and Transport Allowance separately through RTI.
4. The increase proposed is Rs.100619 cr from Rs.91,839cr which means that there will be an increase of Rs.8780 cr. There won’t be any DA after 1-1-2016 up to 31-3-2016 in the fiscal 2015-16.Therefore the whole increase is on basic pay in this fiscal.
5. As we have already seen that the basic pay is Rs.60731 cr. the increase of Rs.8780 cr. is over this Rs.60731.This increase is 14.45% only. The expenditure projected for 2016-17 is Rs.1,12,000cr which is Rs.11,400 more over 2015-16 which works out to 11.32%. This is due to Increment, DA,HRA, TRA etc. The projection for 2017-18 is 1,16,000 cr.
6. If 40% of Basic Pay is to be given, the increase of expenditure in the fiscal 2015-16 must be Rs. 24000 cr as against the Rs. 8780 cr. The demand of JCM Staff side is that there must be an increase of 371% of basic pay as on 1-1-2016. With the 119% DA we would be drawing 219% already. The real increase demanded is 152% of Basic Pay. So not the 152% or 40% of 5th and 6th CPC is intended to be given to us. Only around 15% is going to be given. As The Terms Of Reference of 7TH CPC directs them to recommend only what is‘FEASIBLE AND DESIRABLE’to the Government. Now the Government In Parliament states only 15% is FEASIBLE AND DESIRABLE. ARE WE TO ACCEPT IT.? Some PSUs got 15%. But that is for 5 years. But for Central Government Employees it is for Ten Years. Are We To Accept?
7. Pension expenditure for civilian pensioners was estimated to be Rs.27,145cr and defence pension Rs.54,500 cr. The total is Rs.81645 cr. This is expected to go up to Rs.88521 cr, which is an increase of Rs.6876 cr.As there will be no Dearness Relief for the fiscal 2015-16 the increase is to be accounted only to Basic Pension.
8. I have sought the expenditure break up for dearness relief under RTI. However the rough calculation shows a near increase of same 15% in Pension.
9. The impact of 6th CPC on expenditure as per estimated strength of establishment and provision thereof in respect of Central Government civilian employees was as follows:
ARREARS Rs 26084 cr. For three years mostly on Pay and DA regular PAY Increase per annum: Rs 8685 cr. These are actual figures. The 219% of Rs. 8685 cr is Rs.19000 cr. EVEN THIS IS NOT GIVEN.
10. We must issue a warning to the government afresh demanding acceptance of our demand. I recall my earlier note wherein I had quoted BibekDebroy’s report that the 7th CPC will not be that destabilising to the Government as that of 6th CPC. GOVERNMENT PROVES THAT.
Courtesy : http://postalpensioners.blogspot.in/
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Sunday, August 9, 2015
7th CPC Report is likely to be finalised by September 28, 2015 – NC JCM Staff Side
"NC JCM Staff Side Secretary said that it was assumed that the report of the VII CPC, as was promised for 28th August this year, may be delayed by one month. The letter is reproduced and given below for your information"…
Brief of the meeting held today with the VII Central Pay Commission
Shiva Gopal Mishra
Ph.: 23382286
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
E Mail : nc.jcm.np@gmail.com
Dated: August 7, 2015
All Constituents Organizations,
National Councii(JCM)(Staff Side)
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Brief of the meeting held today with the VII CPC
Today morning I met the Chairman, Seventh Central Pay Commission, Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur and Secretary, Mrs. Meena Agarwal.
It was assumed that the report of the VII CPC, as was promised for 28th August this year, may be delayed by one month.
I have impressed upon him once again for improvement in the service conditions of all the Central Government Employees working in different sectors with special emphasis in the matter of fixation of Minimum Wage and other benefits.
This is for your information.
Comradely yours,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary Staff Side
Source : http://ncjcmstaffside.com
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